开始日期: 2022
The mission of the 学术 and 大学辅导办公室 “The ACC” is to ensure that EC students receive comprehensive academic, 大学, 以及他们在高中期间的职业咨询. 与家长合作, 教师, 和管理, we strive to provide excellent and timely resources for students so that they feel well informed and prepared to pursue the postsecondary path of their choosing.
Eastern Christian graduates pursue a wide variety of postsecondary endeavors, including enrollment at some of the finest 大学s and universities in the world. This list is a glimpse of where EC students have been accepted over the last five years.
我们的学术 & 大学 counselors with students beginning in eighth grade to develop academic plans aligned with their interests, 能力, 和愿望. 每年春天, we revisit these conversations and help students select appropriate courses for the upcoming school year. As students progress through high school, they interact with our office with increasing frequency.
开始日期: 2021
教育: B.A. 罗格斯大学心理学
M.A. 蒙特克莱尔州立大学学校咨询
开始日期: 2012
教育: B.A. ——杜肯大学心理学
M.S. - gwyned - mercy大学的学校咨询
一个自豪的费城本地人和新泽西移民, Jesse has held 大学 counseling positions in a variety of schools including The Stony Brook School, 马瓦高中, 并在新葡京app(2012-2018)上一学期. 作为EC的学术和大学咨询主任, Jesse is committed to providing comprehensive resources and strong support for students throughout their academic progression and postsecondary transition. Jesse also serves as the Advisor for the Eastern Christian School 荣誉学院. These complementary roles align with Jesse’s passion for building relationships with students and helping them discern and follow the Lord’s leading in their lives. He is also passionate about Liverpool Football Club, but in a different way. Jesse is married to Lindsey Struck and they have three young children.
What follows is a brief outline of the resources and support we provide for students during their junior and senior years in effort to guide them through their postsecondary transition.
每年秋季, over 50 大学s and universities send admissions representatives to Eastern Christian School. 在学院举行 & 大学辅导办公室, these small group meetings are a great way for students to learn more about prospective 大学s, 特别是那些可能太远而无法参观的学校. 另外, these representatives are usually involved in the application review process for EC students, so this is an important opportunity to make a connection and positive impression.
学术和大学辅导员带领了多日的活动, 每年多校区学院自驾游, 通常在11月. 对大三和大四学生开放, this is a fun and affordable opportunity for students to visit a variety of 大学s (large vs. 小的,基督教vs. 非基督徒等.),以便更好地辨别他们的偏好. The ACC team also leads one or two single-day campus visits throughout the year.
Juniors and seniors are encouraged to utilize our in-school “SOAR” period to work on 大学 applications and essays with support from the ACC team and high school 英语 teachers.
学生及家长, 特别是青少年, are invited to attend this evening program which provides a broad overview of the 大学 admissions process and other postsecondary pathways.
学术 & 大学 counselors meet with all juniors individually during their spring semester. 强烈鼓励家长参加. 会议通常在上课时间举行, 但是早上, 下午, 晚上的会议可应要求安排. 会议包括:
在这个密集的夏季课程中, 即将升学的高年级学生将在他们的通用应用程序上取得有意义的进步, 个人陈述, 还有补充论文. 学生 will also build balanced 大学 lists and have the opportunity to tour a 大学 campus.
学生及家长 will have the opportunity to learn about the 大学 application process from the perspective of a 大学 admissions office.
We invite a financial aid specialist to this event to assist students and parents through the financial aid process. 这项活动不为青少年和高年级学生保留, 欢迎所有教研室学生及家长参加.
学术 & 大学 counselors meet with all seniors individually during their fall semester. 强烈鼓励家长参加. 会议通常在上课时间举行, 但是早上, 下午, 晚上的会议可应要求安排. 会议包括:
父母 and seniors are invited to attend this community celebration of the highlights and achievements of the senior class.
Naviance – Our comprehensive 大学 and career readiness solution that helps our students with research and the 大学 application process.
大学导航器 – Cut through the advertising clutter and get the stats with this tool from the US Department of Education
大学的计分卡 – An easy to navigate website to see interesting facts like the average salary and average debt after graduation.
我的蓝图故事 – If you are interested in studying a christian 大学, this site is a great place to start.
利基市场 -这是大学搜索的“Yelp”. 这是非常主观的,但可以是有益的和有趣的.
职业展望手册 -这是由美国劳工部提供的. 它包含了近95%的工作的全面信息, 包括薪资信息, 就业前景, 和更多的.
NCAA体育 – This link will take you to an interactive map of all NCAA schools. 你也可以访问NCAA资格中心.
Collegexpress – Contains a lot of the usual 大学 information, but check out the “Lists & 排名”功能.
YouVisit -虚拟大学校园之旅.