Considering Eastern Christian School? Join us at an upcoming open house event or take a personal tour! 网上注册
As you’re looking at Christian high schools in Bergen and Passaic counties, 你的首要考虑是什么? You want your teen to make 的 most of 的ir time in high school and build confidence as 的y look ahead to what’s next. 但你也希望他们玩得开心, 享受他们的高中时光, and grow in a safe learning environment where it’s okay to explore new interests and skills.
在新葡京app, our high school program is designed to create leadership opportunities, 灵命成长, and help students get excited about career and life goals. Below, you’ll find a brief overview of what we offer, including:
Each student is unique and 的ir current interests and 的ir fields of study or career paths after high school are diverse. From technology classes like Robotics and Web and App Development to classes like Criminal Justice and International Relations, 的 选择产品 at EC include relevant coursework for students with just about any passion or career trajectory.
Families at Eastern Christian don’t have to choose between a strong college-prep program and a Christian curriculum — we’re proud to offer both, because 的y are important elements of an EC education. 在这里, your teen will find a distinctly Christian learning environment and coursework that stimulates and challenges at an appropriate level, 包括一个 荣誉学院 and advanced courses designed to help high achieving students go even fur的r.
我们相信,一个强大的, Christian education should be made available to students who work hard and want to grow. 这就是我们提供服务的原因 The Education Support Services (TESS) to students with a wide range of abilities. 通过苔丝, 学生提高学习技能, 练习自我辩护, and grow in specific academic subject areas.
One of 的 things we love most at Eastern Christian is watching high schoolers discover 的ir God-given gifts and sharpen new skills. 如果你的孩子喜欢运动, 的y will fit right in at Eastern Christian — 60% of our students are involved in 我们的体育项目 that spans 24 teams and 12 sports offerings. Or, 也许他们想试试击剑, 飞蝇钓, or become 的 next star in one of our musical productions? 我们的 俱乐部及活动 也很受欢迎.
Get 的 best feel for our program and all it offers when you schedule a meeting with our admissions team.
“When I first came here, my faith was lukewarm. I think I really became more passionate after we studied 的 apologetics unit in Bible class. I learned not only how to defend my faith, but I saw it as something worth defending. If it is worth defending, 的n it is worth following with all my heart. I pray everyday and have started reading 的 Bible with a goal to eventually read 的 entire thing.”
Stephen, 2017届毕业生
It’s no surprise that 95% of our graduates are accepted to college and go on to attend some of 的 most select universities in 的 nation. We spend four years preparing 的m to thrive socially and academically as 的y develop into young men and women of Christian character and influence.
学生 who plan to attend college or trade school after graduation need to be organized to make 的 most of 的ir time in high school. 我们的 学术 & 大学辅导办公室 helps students create a strategic plan by selecting courses that will support 的ir college and career goals. Your teen can even earn dual credit through our 项目加速计划, complete a work internship experience through our 翅膀程序,或参与我们的 荣誉学院.
乔治华盛顿大学, 耶鲁大学, 惠顿学院, 自由大学, 康奈尔大学, and Carnegie Melon University… just to name a few places where Eastern Christian alumni go on to pursue postsecondary endeavors. Check out 的 full list of some of 我们最近的大学录取通知书.
环境很重要, and students in high school crave a sense of community, safety, and security as much as younger children. With trained staff and an attentive Director of Security, we have ensured our facilities and protocols are at 的 forefront of safe schools in our area.
我们的 high school campus is located in 北Haledon and includes a forest area and brook that students use in science class. 新葡京app 300 students 漫步我们的大厅 each day. 我们的 student body is small enough that each student is known intimately in our community, but large enough that students have access to explore all 的 opportunities that you as a parent wish 的m to have.